【Chapter 9】
"Where did you go to at this hour, Rujin?"
I flinched when I saw unexpectedly to be awake by now.
"I-I... went to an f-friend's place," I shuttered.
He sighed. "Lame excuse..."
I rolled my eyes. "As if you know what I did..."
"In fact, I do. Jimin told me a few things, Rujin."
Am I caught? Or did I just got myself in an ambush? Whatever it is, I'm quite curious and as well as terrified.
"Taehyung... I-"
Just as I was about to explain, someone interrupts us.
"Taehyung I need to-"
"Jungkook... Go back to your dorm," Taehyung firmly said.
"But I don't feel like it!" He whined.
"Uh- I'm here~" I cooed, trying to get attention.
They both look at me. Taehyung eventually snapped his fingers. Jungkook looks away after that. I don't know what's going on but I feel like I'm in some kind of conflict going on. I didn't even move from the front door. Suddenly, I feel something is lurking somewhere. I decided to look around and saw a glob of darkness near Namjoon's room.
"Uh... WHAT'S THAT?!" I pointed out.
Both Taehyung and Jungkook turn to where I point. They both immediately turned to me, rushing. They both stood in front of me with their hands up. In defence stance, I clearly could tell that I'm in danger. That glob then turned into a human shape. It stood up like a human but its eyes are dark red.
"Evil..." Jungkook slowly growled.
"Jungkook-ah, Taehyung... What's going on?!" I asked, terrified of that thing.
"Just... Stay close..." Taehyung replied instantly.
I kept myself silent as both Taehyung and Jungkook were still in their defence stance. Soon after, Namjoon came to the scene. He looks at us, shocked and as well as aware that I witnessed it. Soon, Chaejoon as well ran into the scene. This time, I saw chains attached to her and Namjoon. The chain is attached to their wrist. The chains just flow in the air.
"Tae, Kook, it's my job to do this..." Namjoon said as he has his eyes on that thing.
"Alright!" They both replied in unison.
[The next scene will look sightly like the GIF above!]
Chaejoon looks at Namjoon with a slightly unsure smile and they both proceed. Chaejoon then have a bow and arrow out of nowhere. She placed her arrow against her bow, targeting her prey. As for Namjoon, he transformed into some kind of creature with small spikes. He eventually hopped onto Chaejoon's shoulder as he too, target his prey.
"One... Two... Three!"
As Chaejoon hits 'Three', she shoots her arrow at the darkness as Namjoon follows it. The 'darkness' got hit and a few drops of blood drip out. From there, Namjoon slashes his claws out into the 'darkness' and bites it. After a couple of bites and scratches, the 'darkness' vanished.
I stare at them both in awe. I have never seen such combat live before my eyes. But... THIS IS FREAKING DANGEROUS! WHY AM I HERE?! I started to panic after realizing what just happened. My legs couldn't move and the fact that the creature that vanished might be back!
"Uh- I'm 'bout to scream!" I screeched.
"No! Don't!" Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung said, together in synchronization.
I could see Chaejoon shaking her head as well. I slowly calmed myself down and continuously stare at both Namjoon and Chaejoon. "Would ya' stop staring at us?!" "S-sorry!" I finched from Namjoon's sudden warning.
"Namjoon, you should turn back to normal before anyone rushes in here..." Chaejoon looks at Namjoon who apparently was on the floor.
Eventually, Namjoon turned back to normal and he rubbed his temples with frastration.
"Alright... Since you saw that... Rujin... You now would be targeted... By those things..." Namjoon explained. "For now, just... don't spread this to anyone, alright?"
I nodded.
"Good... Now, Rujin and Chaejoon, you both got to bed while I have a private chat with these two dorks..." Namjoon signalled us.
I look at Chaejoon as she obeyed Namjoon's command. I decided to follow as well to avoid any more conflicts. When I got to my room, I placed my new plushie on my desk and a note was on the table. I didn't bother to look at it as my head is now fuzzy. I lay on my bed and drifted off.
~+ ( '^' )/ The Next Day~ +~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I found someone sleeping next to me. When I look at the person, it was Taehyung... He's in my bed?! How?! I didn't even drink last night! Or... Did I? I shook the thoughts off and went to do my morning routine. Of course, I changed into my school outfit. But it's my sports outfit. I have Physical Education today. I wrapped my jacket around my waist and put on my socks.
"Hnnggg," I assumed that was Taehyung's soft groans.
I look at where Taehyung slept and he's moving slightly. I didn't bother to even wake him up. I'm too... Lazy... I guess to wake anyone up. I move to my desk where I saw the note from last night. It was still there. When I read it, I smile at it.
'Sweet Dreams~ '
I think I know who wrote this. I picked it up and look at Taehyung who is already about to wake up. Once he yawned, he realized that I was awake. He gave me his sleepy face. I sighed and stuff the note in my pocket.
"It's school day already~" Taehyung whined.
"Stop whining! And how did you even sleep in my bed?!" I ask as I open my bedroom door. "Uh, I lost a bet against Jungkook?"
He hummed.
"You better owe me something than food. I can't believe I even room with you," I left.
As I walk into the living room, I saw Chaejoon by the front door with Namjoon. They both look at me when I approached them. Chaejoon greeted me first. Then, followed by Namjoon's. By the time I was about to leave with them, I heard two voices.
"Yah! Stop using my stuff!"
"It's mine!"
What is it this time....?
To Be Continued...
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